Monday, November 1, 2010

Sweet Hugs

Well, today was like every Monday morning- we were running late. It never fails that on the day we have to be somewhere everyone decides to sleep in- including me. It would make sense to use an alarm clock but when you have two kids that wake up between 5:30am-6:00am, WHY?? Its these days that I remind myself to go out and get one.
It all worked out and God had me just where he wanted me this morning. I am in a Monday morning bible study group and even though it is a "rushed" feeling I am always truly blessed once I get there. This morning, Ethan tried so hard not to cry when I dropped him off.. Oh, he wanted so bad to hold it in and play...but he just couldn't. I knelt down and told him how proud I was of him and I would be right back. His favorite teacher was in there and he went straight to her. She loves on him but then lets him be a "boy". Gotta love girls like that. I decided to pick Ethan up first since he was the one that was first dropped off. Plus, Ana was still outside with her class playing. He was proud to see me and we squeezed each other. I had him in my arms and told him to say "bye-bye". He blew his teacher a kiss and then wanted to get down. As he got down he ran right over to her and wrapped his arms around her neck. I was so shocked and yet so proud all at the same time. Kinda made me think that continuing to work on gentleness, patience and love is finally paying off with our little man. He may not always be the most "gentle dragon" but his heart is as big as he is.
I love you, Ethan and I love the way you love.

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