Sunday, October 31, 2010

Our Dragon

We call Ethan our little dragon. He can be gentle and then all of the sudden become as fierce and angry as a dragon. Its funny to witness but can be a bit tiresome after dealing with him all day. So this particular morning we were driving into school. Ana loves her new school (which I will soon blog about) and simply adores her teachers. Ethan, on the other hand cries and screams every Tuesday and Thursday morning and it is just what he does. Ana is such a great big sister and she does take care of her little brother when he is upset. She likes for us all to be "happy". And when we all "pretend" to fight she puts her hands in the air and says; "guys, guys, listen; stop fighting". We laugh and tease her some more. Thankfully, she has a good sense of humor.
Ethan had woken up as a dragon on this morning and had already stated; "I NOT go bye-bye, I stay HERE". I explained that we were going to school to see our teachers and friends. That still made no difference to him. So when he got in the car he was in a foul mood. We pull into the church parking lot and the tears began. "No, Mama I stay with you". Ana was right in his space saying; "It's okay, buddy. We're going to see our teachers". He warned her to stop and to get away but she kept on. I even asked her to give him some space since he was in a bad mood. It went in one ear and out the other. She told him again and this time the dragon came loose. He looked right at her and said; "Ana, SHUT UP!" I actually was shocked and quickly looked at Ana and she had the same expression as I did. What to do, I thought. He warned her, I warned her but he can't be rude to her. So I told each of them to tell the other that they were sorry. I figured if we all apologize, maybe that is the right answer.
The day got better for Ethan and Ana went on to have a wonderful day at school. And I, well...I got my favorite latte from Starbucks and I was a "happy" person the rest of the day.

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