Tonight was a little different, though. Both Ana and Ethan were so tired they were sitting on my bed and not fighting. Amazing! I put Ana to bed first and told her that I loved her and she had been such a good girl today. I kissed her on the forehead and she wrapped her arms around me. She usually doesn't do this. I held on to her and said how glad I was that God made me her "Momma". It was a sweet moment that I will always treasure. I turned out her light and blew her a kiss.
Then came Ethan. He asked if he could finish watching a program that was on and I said he could. He had taken a four hour nap today and had been really great. So I felt since Ana had not napped he could have this small privilege. He was sitting between us on the bed when he reached up and gave his Dad a big kiss on the cheek. Jimbo looked down and said; "Thank you, Ethan". Ethan replied: "Your welcome, Daddy. uuvvv u. (Translation: Love You) He then looked at me and gave me a giant kiss on the cheek and told me he loved me too. I was so proud of Ethan for giving kisses on his own. He is acknowledging what it means to be gentle but most of all loving. Both my children love and are becoming even more aware of others. Ana asked me the other day, when I hit my knee, if I was okay. I told her I was just fine, just clumsy. Ethan recognizes when his sister is hurt and asks her if she is all right. They care for one another and even though I can teach that to a certain point I know, with all my heart, God is hearing my prayers. He is hearing my worries and concerns and He is responding to me by giving these moments. I know Ana and Ethan are His children- I am there earthly Mom. Each day I am so grateful that my Holy Father trusted me enough to give me these two amazing kids.
Hosea 11:4
4 I led them with cords of human kindness,
with ties of love.
To them I was like one who lifts
a little child to the cheek,
and I bent down to feed them.
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