Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lost: Toy on side of road

I've hesitated to write about this day but as I thought on it I realized that I want to be "real" at all times. I don't want to just write about the "good" stories or moments. The difficult times when you only have one nerve when you wake up are sometimes the best teachable moments. Well, for me anyway.

To paint the background of this picture, Ana and Ethan had been fighting for literally two days straight. We were on day two when I had to go to Spring Hill for errands. On the way back home they were constantly fighting over this ONE toy. Now, they each had their own but this ONE particular toy was the cause of their bickering. I said; "Ana, put the toy in between you and Ethan". She did and just as she did Ethan snatched it from her. She tried to snatch it back and eventually got it. So I thought maybe if they each have a turn it will be better. Wrong! Still fighting over who's turn it was, kept going on and on. I tried putting the toy, again, in between them and still nothing. I was at the end of all patience. I yelled; "Give me the dam* toy!!!" Ana slowly handed me the toy, probably in fear of her life and I said; "Say good-bye to the toy". They both said good-bye and the next thing I know I am throwing the toy out the window. And saying: "No one is going to have this toy if you can't share!". There was silence. And more silence. And nothing was said till we got home. And after that day Ana and Ethan have yet to fight over another toy in the car. Home is a different story but we have nice, peaceful car rides now.

Being a Mom has so many highs and when the lows come I can finally laugh them off. Its all going to be funny in some shape and form. So rather than getting up-tight I am rolling with each day as it comes.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What to clean today?

As I was searching on the internet last night I came across something completely different than what I was originally looking for. (I just love when I find an un-expected treat) The website is called Fly Lady and it designed to help you organize your time and tasks. I feel that I am a pretty organized person but the tips were awesome and realistic. Its free to join and you can un-subscribe at any time. At this point in my season of life I will take useful tips any day!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Sweet Reunion

Blogging reminds me of telling a great story when you're not sure where to actually begin. I'll begin in the middle and as time allows I will start from the beginning our story of Ana and Ethan. Our oldest, Ana is adopted and a wonderful character to our already "crazy" family. She could not be more like me if she tried. Her biological great-grandparents are from Las Vegas, NV and they wanted to spend the entire day on Saturday with us. It had been since October 2007 when they saw her for the last time and wanted to drive to TN to see the place she calls home. Gigi, her great-grandmother wanted to see her bedroom, our home, and the thousands of toys they have. We talk to her regularly and she and her husband wanted to be able to visualize the place the kids live; rather it be their bedrooms, playing on their swing set, or watching the animals from the sunroom. They wanted that mental picture.

I was so worried about Ana's reaction to them. I wanted the day to be wonderful. We agreed to spend the day at my parents home where the kids could all get out and have more room to move. I told my Mom one night about my "expectations" and she told me not to go in with any. I laughed and told her she never had any expectations on anything and she laughed back and said; "And that is why I'm never disappointed". I threw my expectations out the window and just prayed over Ana that night. I prayed that she would just be "Ana". If ever there was a time where I could look at my Heavenly Father and say; "I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU SO MUCH" it would have been on Saturday. As they pulled into the driveway I immediately went out to greet them. I told Jimbo to go and get the kids. (Ana, Ethan and Nora) As Ana came outside I pointed to Fran/Gigi
(her great-grandmother) and she ran to her and wrapped her arms around her neck and held on for so long. I stood there literally shocked. Was this my child? Where did this come from? And then I knew. We were watching our prayers being answered.

Ana got to spend time with Gigi, her great-grandfather- Papa, her half brother- Kyle, and her half sister- Shayla. All the kids got along so well. Nora showed Kyle how to use the ipod and "watched" over everyone only as Nora can do.

I watched and listened to the kids as they played. And it was beautiful how they accepted one another so easily. All the adults got along and that is the hardest thing sometimes. I think occasionally we need to take lessons from children. It was really nice to see everyone and have an insight into their world.

Towards to the end of the afternoon the kids broke out their swimsuits and hit the trampoline. Yes, trampoline, not pool. Mom and Dad do not have a pool so to improvise we spray the trampoline with a water hose. The kids LOVED it! It was hilarious to watch. My husband and the rest of the men were brave enough to go outside but the women were smart enough to stay in doors. Ana got the water hose from my Dad and began to spray everyone. It was so funny! She chased my husband around with it and as my Dad was taking pictures she began to attack him with it as well. It was the perfect ending to an incredible day.

As the evening came to a close I realized that its okay to have expectations but its not okay to want to "control" the situation. And that is what I was confusing. I wanted Ana to be herself and I was trying to control the day and blaming it on "my expectations". God is bigger than me and all things. I forget that every single day. If I would just let Him do His job I'd be a lot better off.

Isaiah 6

"Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory."