Sunday, January 8, 2012

Halloween 2011

This past Halloween was so much fun! Ana was five years old and Ethan was three. Halloween costumes can be either really "slutty" (yes, I went there) or too generic. With the kids being able to know and understand I wanted to really out thought into their attire. Ana was a Candy Corn Princess- although she called herself a Candy Corn "witch" and Ethan was our fierce pirate. They were so adorable. I took them to Portrait Innovations to have a picture of them in their costumes and to try to remember this special time. As Halloween quickly approached I began thinking; "all dressed up and nowhere to go". I didn't want to just settle for the traditional door to door but I was running out of time and options. The day of Halloween we picked my husband up from work and were going to go Trick or Treating in Thompson Station. As we were driving (and I am so wishing I could have done more) we looked and a local church was having a carnival free to the public. It was perfect! We ended up going, they had inflatables for the kids to play on, more candy than we have ever seen and we even managed to squeeze pizza in the Ana and Ethan. The church had hundreds of boxes of Dominos Pizza- so we bought a large, sat around and ate as a family and then went back to the action. The night was so much fun. Each room of the children's and preschool area had a game, activity or something for the kids to do. And as you were leaving you got to "trick or treat". Ana and Ethan returned home with 20 pounds of candy. It was hilarious. It was a crazy time with children running everywhere and not to mention on a sugar high. But as we were driving home, looking into the sugar induced Pirate and Candy Corn Princess I would not have changed one thing about our night. It was one that I will always remember and be thankful for.
I love you Ana and Ethan! You rock my world!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sticky Fingers and Broken Robots

Our new year has begun in full motion. No stopping this family!
Jimbo had Ana and Ethan for the day so I could enjoy a quiet home all to myself. I was dealing with an awful headache and he thought a day home would be just what the doctor ordered. So he took the kids to breakfast, to Family Dollar and bought them a (cheap) toy and finally reached Mimi's house to let them play with their new (cheap) toy. Ethan is destructive with everything he plays with as well as looks at. He's our child that will take it apart to see why and how it works. So with his new purchased transformer robot toy it was no different. He ended up breaking part of it and so his big sister said; "let me see it". She tried but failed and ended up breaking it even more. So by this point, Jimbo was frustrated with them both and the fact that the (cheap) toy was so cheaply made. Go figure. He ended up (in anger) taking the toy and throwing it against the wall and it shattered into a million, zillion pieces. (Yes, zillion is a word when you have children) And what happened? Well, both Ana and Ethan burst into tears and were sobbing. I only know this part because I just happened to call to check on them. Call it a "Mom's intuition". Jimbo knew he was wrong and he did feel just horrible about overreacting. But he was tired of them breaking everything they get. So to make up for his "tantrum" he took them to Dollar General to get Ethan a new robot. He didn't want to go back to the same store in one day. At the register, Ethan handed the lady his toy and she said; "Oh how sweet you're getting a new toy". And Ethan replied; "Yep, Daddy got really mad and threw my other toy across Mimi's wall and it broke in a ton of pieces". Jimbo quickly stepped in with a bright red face and said; Oh, he tells tales all the time". Ana immediately said: No, Daddy Ehtan's right that did happen!". All I can say is "the truth will set you free". I am still laughing over this one and will for a long time.
So the next day (after the broken robot incident) you'd think life would go back to "our normal". Perhaps its because I spent too much time laughing at the Jimbo and the robot. Or how I asked him if we needed to paint Mimi's wall from robot scars.
Ethan was beyond tired but I wanted to wait a little longer before I put him down for a nap. Even at three years old Ethan still needs a nap some days. Looking back its one of those times I wish I had just put him in his bed. But again, I thought things would be fine. There weren't. I was in my bedroom folding laundry and I had left Ana and Ethan on the couch watching TV. Pretty simple. So in a few minutes Ethan comes into my bedroom and his hands are so shiney. And he keeps saying; Mama, help me. I have sticky glue on me". Just looking at him I thought he had some type of lotion. But I wondered where he could have gotten it. So I reached down (with both hands) and touched his hands. When I tried to break free I couldn't!! I squealed and instantly realized he had somehow gotten into super glue! I love this child but there ain't no way I'm going to be stuck to him. So I rushed us to the bathroom where I ran cold water over our hands and we broke loose. I was speechless for a minute of so. The next three hours Ana and I picked and pealed his hands from all the glue. He was absolutely tormented over the fact the glue would not come off. And I know how frustrating that feels because I had my own to try and get off. And while I wish this was all that to deal with its not. I still have to figure how I'm going to get the super glue off my kitchen and dining room floor. But that's for another day. That night, Ethan looked up at me and asked; "Mama, you mad at me?" I giggled and said: "No, son, I'm not. I love you both very much. God gave me you and I'm so happy you are my son and Ana is my daughter." And that is the truth. But from here on out all glue is now locked up. The kids were in the bed by the time Jimbo got home. I was in bed reading when he sat down next to me and said; "You wouldn't believe the day I had today- it was crazy".
I laughed and said; "Really? Huh, I wouldn't know about that".

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year with New Adventures

How many times do we begin on a "new year high"? We're going to exercise, get that perfect job or just be a better person. I have come to realize that I will break my resolution(s) every time and for that I do not make them- anymore. This year I want to spend more time reading to my children; to instill that God loves them and His love with never fail. I've already seen families lose loved ones and this is just the second day of 2012. I was shown this morning that loving people is the best gift you can give them. You see, loving, is the kindest act there is. I can go out and buy Ana and Ethan gifts all day. But what is that "teaching" them? Nothing. I want them to see how much they can give just by loving others. Love produces acts of kindness, generosity, selfishness and so on. As we go about our day today it will consist of drawing pictures to cheer our family and friends up, baking cookies for a dear friend and continuing to pray for those that need it. I want them to be "Tebow" of their generation. Happy 2012!